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Used Tenney Lunaire TC64RC Cycling Test Chamber - ITEM#: 745066


This Tenney Lunaire T64RC cycling test chamber is used, but in very good condition. As you can see in the photos, it's very clean. It's a beautiful piece, with exceptional temperature and humidity control. We DO have the operations and maintenance manuals as well. The TC64RC offers high volume horizontal-down air circulation, with electric heating and mechanical refrigeration. It uses a vapor injection system for humidity control.
It was last used about 5 years ago for testing of a small format product. Product was placed in the chamber under power and tested under high humidity, high and low temperatures and low humidity high and low temperatures. It was used for about 7 years on and off, probably a total of 100-200 hours or so and then it was no longer needed.
Specifications for Tenney Oven / Environmental Chamber (see details in the spec sheet photo below - it's the very last picture):
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